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Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn + 30 Days Included EU

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn + 30 Days Included EU

Note: You can activate this product on the official site: http://www.finalfantasyxiv.com/ Note: To download Game Client from the official site of Final Fantasy XiV: A Realm Reborn please click http://www.finalfantasyxiv.com/playersdownload/eu/ Note: This product can not be used to extend the game time on existing accounts. product includes: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn 30 free days included
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USD 23.16 USD 31.05
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Product Description
Take part in an epic and ever-changing FINAL FANTASY as you adventure and explore with friends from around the world. Experience all the hallmarks of the best-selling franchise - airships, chocobos, moogles, and more! The history of Eorzea has been marked by a cycle of prosperous "Astral" and disastrous "Umbral" eras. Now the land stands poised to enter another age of decline, a period known as the Seventh Umbral Era. On the eastern border, the Garlean Empire masses its troops for invasion, while the native beastmen tribes summon their deities. Since time immemorial, the planet of Hydaelyn has seen the births of lives uncounted. But the land now bears grievous scars, and threatens to slip into a gaping maw of death and darkness. In the Armoury System, changing your adventuring style—or class—is as simple as changing what you hold in your hand.